As more and more children return to Japan from life overseas, there is increased demand for education that not only maintains but also enhances their acquired language skills. Doshisha International Junior & Senior High School, the pioneer of returnee education in the Kansai area, provides this program to meet those needs. With our expertise, we ensure that returnee children can take their English skills to the next level.
Message from Director

Welcome to the DIVE homepage.
DIVE is a Saturday program for returnee elementary school students where children between the ages of 6 and 12 can come to find an authentic full immersion English experience, just as you would on a normal school day at elementary school in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or an international school around the world.
We hope that you like what you see, and want to be a part of what we are doing here at Doshisha International High School.

If DIVE appeals to you, please contact us to arrange a visit, or to take the entrance test. We are looking forward to showing you what DIVE has to offer!

Message from Producer
I believe that the experiences and language skills acquired from life overseas are valuable assets to children. However, it is difficult to maintain these skills while adjusting to life in Japan. At DIVE, we aim for education to further build up on these experiences and skills. We place great value in learning from experience, not memorization, and in gaining results from action. Thinking outside the box and challenging infinite possibilities. Taking on problems to which there could be many answers, or perhaps even no answer. At DIVE, we learn how to approach these kinds of things, all through English. In Japan, education is thought to be something that is “given,” but at DIVE we think of it as something to be “shared,” and something that creates a promising future for children.

DIVEプログラム DEEP事務局
Phone : 0774-65-8911(学校代表)
DEEP事務局直通:0774-65-8924(月・火・金・DIVE開催土曜日 9:00-17:00)