DIVEプログラムは、主に帰国児童および同等の英語能力を持つ児童のためのサタデープログラムです。経験豊富なネイティブ講師陣とバイリンガルのティーチングアドバイザーがお子様の学びをサポートします。DIVEでは、英語で思考する、英語での応用能力を向上させるカリキュラムで構成されています。例えば、英語での表現力としては、文字での表現として Essay Writing に重点を置き、また、コミュニケーション・スキルとしては、Presentation(発表)から Debate(議論)へ、そして最終的には Negotiation(交渉力)へと発展させて行きます。学習は Input(知識の吸収)と Output(表現)の均等化を図り、子ども達の自発的な発言と行動を促進しています。最終的には英語思考による問題発見から解決能力へ、そして行動力へと段階的な育成を目的としています。
What is DIVE?
DIVE is an acronym for Doshisha International Vantage Education, a program that provides English education based on Doshisha’s educational research and philosophy. The DEEP Division, an acronym for Doshisha Enriched Education Program, was set up within the school in 2004 to pursue ideal education and create new standards. DIVE’s curriculum is designed for thinking and practical application in English. In written expression, we place value in structured essay writing, and in communicative skills, we enrich presentation skills and develop them into debate and negotiation skills. We facilitate spontaneous speaking, balancing the amount of input and output opportunities for students. Ultimately, students progress from problem finding to problem solving skills and acquire the ability to take action, all through thinking in English.

We mainly use the Communication Center and Communication Complex. Doshisha International Junior & Senior High School’s cutting-edge facilities and technology provide an optimum environment for full English immersion and hands-on learning.
At DIVE we use no Japanese, learning to think and express in English, through finding/solving problems and taking action.
5つのカリキュラム特徴 ~ コミュニケーション能力を高めるプログラム ~

Our 5 Curriculum Attributes ~Enhancing Communication Skills~
1. Christianity&Internationalism : Education based on Doshisha’s Christian and international values
2. Thinking & Presentation : The ability to think and express in English (Presentation Skills)
3. Reading & Writing : Reading comprehension and structured writing skills
4. Creative Projects : Experience-based learning in various fields using technology
5. Individualism : Elective classes to engage students and bring out their character

The 6 Skills (6 C’s) Acquired in English
At DIVE, while improving basic reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities, we work to acquire six skills that further enhance critical thinking and application. Our curriculum focuses on communication skills, incorporating hands-on projects with digital devices, as well as elective lessons to provoke interest.
Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Composition, Cultural Understanding, Critical Thinking

Doshisha International Junior & Senior High School
Doshisha International Junior & Senior High School was established in 1980 with funds from the board of education, meeting high demand and specializing in returnee education. It is now the largest school of its kind in the Kansai area, accepting roughly half of the students who return to the area and constantly paving the way with high quality education. It is the only high school in Kyoto which has returnee education as its primary purpose. Two-thirds of the students in the junior and senior high schools are returnees, and they are mixed with non-returnee students, learning each other’s cultures and inspiring each other to develop a global state of mind.
DIVEは「Doshisha International Vantage Education」の頭文字から構成されており、同志社の今までの国際教育における研究と実績を元にした英語教育を行うプログラム名称です。
DIVE is an acronym for Doshisha International Vantage Education, a program that provides English education based on Doshisha’s educational research and philosophy.

- Vantage :(名)有利、優越、優勢な地位
- Enriched:(形)豊富な、強化された、濃縮された
- DIVE 商標登録4918439(41技芸・スポーツ又は知識の教授,学校における教育) 学校法人 同志社
- DEEP 商標登録4877455(41技芸・スポーツ又は知識の教授,学校における教育) 学校法人 同志社
DIVEプログラム DEEP事務局
Phone : 0774-65-8911(学校代表)
DEEP事務局直通:0774-65-8924(月・火・金・DIVE開催土曜日 9:00-17:00)